Discover More About Seachios® Marine Services

A team of shore gang members from Seachios Marine Services disembarked from the vessel via a boat service after completing the cleaning of the cargo holds.

A team of shore gang members from Seachios Marine Services disembarked from the vessel via a boat service after completing the cleaning of the cargo holds. (Port: Itaqui, Brazil)

Founded in 1980, Seachios® Marine Services emerged as a general maritime services company, with ship agency operations as its core business. At that time, professional services such as cargo hold cleaning for bulk carriers were virtually unheard of in Brazil. Seachios® was the first company in the country to offer this type of service, beginning at the Port of Santos. Over the decades, our expertise has grown, enabling us to clean more than 180,000 cargo holds on thousands of vessels from clients around the world.

What truly sets us apart from other companies is not just our high-performance hydro-blasting machines—capable of 7,350 psi (over 500 BAR)—or our highly trained and qualified team. Our real strength lies in the efficiency and effectiveness of our service delivery, driven by resource management, risk management, and clearly defined schedules for each type of operation and cargo. This, combined with our refined methodologies, guides our operations from start to finish.

We have continually evolved our operational methodologies to meet the growing demands of our clients. In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, we refuse to stand still. We now employ a unique project management methodology blended with risk management principles specifically designed for maritime and port operations. We call this framework Naval Project Management—a system inspired by the PMBOK methodology, tailored by our project managers to suit the maritime industry. Seachios® is the only company in the market utilizing this method, which not only enhances the quality of our operations but also strengthens the trust our clients place in us.

Moreover, Seachios® is the only company in this sector with a reach that extends beyond Brazil’s borders, providing services in five additional countries across Latin America and Central America.

Given our broad geographic coverage and expertise, many of our partners—and even competitors—turn to us for support. They frequently rely on our labor, equipment, and know-how to execute their own projects. We are proud to contribute in this way, helping to support workers in the industry and ensuring they can provide for their families.

Every day, Seachios® is committed to improving in line with the rapid modernization of the 21st century. This dedication to progress is at the heart of our efforts to maintain our status as a leader in excellence—ensuring that everything we do is performed with passion and precision.

Filippe (Philipp) Alves

Chief Commercial Officer and Naval Project Manager at Seachios Marine Services.

Our Shipping Agency and Port Operations


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